Saturday, September 23, 2006

Personal Networks to Treasure. Treasure Map part 1

Your ability to thrive in prospecting or treasure hunting lies in your ability to form relationships with others. It is easy for me to get cocky and forget I do not know it all.

Because I can't know it all I have to find experts that have the answers I need.

This can be in many ways. Through personal contacts I meet every day and on the Internet.

Local people will give you local knowledge and personal contacts. These personal contacts are the most valuable. It is these people that will give histories and introductions. Being introduced through a friend is the key to getting permission to hunt an area. If you seek out local experts in the areas that you are interested in, they can often make the phone calls. But you must become a friend to the expert.

Who are these experts? They are people who either study or sell the items that you want to dig up. It is that simple.

If you want to be an arrow head master you need to become friends with someone who sells or collects arrowheads. They will guide you on what you need to read and be aware of. They will give you information, if you know how to ask the right questions. They will tell you of their professor friend at the local University and they can introduce you to them.

There are Networks of information out there. Locally and on the Internet you can learn from others what you need to do to make your treasure hunt happen.

For fresh ideas and new approaches try the Internet. Look for new ways and different approaches from others. It is called Brainstorming with others. It is healthy to look at different ideas from others. Treasure hunters think in terms of possibilities, and then test, question, test, look for different viewpoints and approaches. Having others play devil advocate can help you not make silly mistakes.

Yes people on the Internet will think you are strange at times. But there are others out there who are just like you. They can encourage and give you new ideas.

Put yourself out there to people in your local area and on the Internet. Exchange ideas and ask questions. Do not believe anything until you verify it yourself.

People hold the other part of that treasure map you have Ben looking for. The other half of the map is research. That will be part 2

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